Hello everyone! We'd like to take this opportunity to thoroughly address frequently-asked community questions regarding modded content in Restitched:
"Does Restitched support custom/modded content?"
We understand the importance of creative freedom in any User-Generated Content (UGC) game, especially when that game is on PC and utilizing the Steam Workshop. We hear you when you say that Restitched would benefit from third-party custom content. However, at present, we have no intention to natively allow the modding of Restitched, nor will we offer a place to host it on the Steam Workshop.
Many UGC games that host mods face flagged content and copyright complaints. Trixel Creative is currently rather small and relatively new to the world of content moderation and development. As such, we are ultimately unequipped to handle a potential influx of infringing content from copyright owners.
Legality aside, we have also determined this choice to be in the best interest of our player base. When players look for content in Restitched, we want them to find things made entirely in-game using the assets we've provided and approved. In this case, the content is guaranteed to be safe to download, stable to use, and easy to load by using the data already installed on your system.
"Will Restitched ever allow modding?"
Like many games, Restitched requires custom developer tools and solutions to import our own assets. These tools cannot easily be made available because they are not designed for public use and are often incomplete, unstable, require documentation, and are embedded into our own private version of the game engine.
Our stance is not simply anti-modding. We would love to one day improve and release our content tools so the community can carry the game long after its official support ends. Ultimately, we're not in a position to entertain this as we don't have the resources to handle its development and misuse.
"What if the game is modded privately / outside of Steam?"
We heavily encourage you not to inject third-party assets that you do not own - such as those from other intellectual properties. Any publically-available and copyright-infringing content that we deem harmful will have action taken against it. However, while we do not encourage the game to be modified unofficially, we cannot take action against changes made locally on your own device.
We hope this post has better addressed an important aspect of our game. We know so many of you are very creative and would blow Restitched out of the water with your custom content! We first look forward to seeing what incredible things you'll make using official content.