Restitched follows the story of a brave, adventurous teddy bear named Stuffy on a journey to find their roots. Along the way, Stuffy will discover new friends, dangerous foes, and exciting locations as they 'restitch' communities unraveled at the hands of greed and tyranny.
Traverse levels and clear obstacles with Stuffy's signature "Needle 'n Thread" mechanic! Swing across gaps, pull things around, or slash down enemies and barriers. Crawl under blocked paths, climb and vault ledges, or push things around for a way forward as you platform to the finish line.
Make Stuffy your own by styling them from head-to-toe through a range of Wardrobe categories and outfit presets.
Apply your favorite Cosmetics, then use features like the Design Tool to recolor them or switch between Swatches!
Use a robust level editor to build your own platformers! You can browse a variety of tools and assets like Stamps, Building Materials, Props, Music, Hardware, and much more. Build your adventure and publish it to the Steam Workshop for other Stuffies to enjoy!